Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Yankees are the dust underneath a pair of Sox...

The Boston Red Sox are officially 5/5 vs the New York Yankees this season, as the Bo-Sox went on to sweep the Yankees in their second set of games this season. Last weekend, the Sox took the Yankees down on their home field, and this week the Sox took the Yankees down in the new Yankees stadium.

I was lucky enough to snag bleacher tickets to Monday night's game when tickets first went on sale. However, due to low temperatures and the pouring rain all day my brother and I decided it wasn't going to be an enjoyable experience. Boy--were we right. Not only did the Yankees lose again, but it seems that many fans seemed to lose out on seeing the game after being told that the game's rain delay was over and that the game was officially postponed--when it wasn't.

According to "Lady At the Bat Blog" and a New York Times article, after attempting to wait out the pouring rain, many fans started exiting the field. Apparently stadium workers told fans that the game would be made up at another time. That being said, the fans left thinking that they would be treated to the make up game or an exchange of tickets for another game. However, at 9:00 it was announced that the teams would play, but all those fans who left wouldn't get to see it. Due to the Yankees ticket policy, all the fans who bought tickets and left would not be able to get back in--and they weren't. This left the stadium almost completely empty.

The new stadium has seats going for over $1,000 so seats behind home plate have been empty for several games leading up to the Sox series this past week. Unfortunately, due to an error by the Yankees personnel, those seats were again seen empty. 

Me. I got to watch the game from the comfort of my own home. Sure, I lost 20 bucks on my bleacher seats, but it's better than driving up, being told by the personnel that the game would be made up, leaving the stadium, and not being able to get back in. 

And I didn't catch pneumonia.

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